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We strive to succeed in making the ski apprenticeship a fun and enjoyable one. It thanks the parents for entrusting their children to our care and will do everything possible to answer all their needs and wishes.
Veysonnaz Swiss Ski School

Make your child's integration easy

Prepare your child

Dress him/her warmly: gloves/muffles and dry boots, good quality sun glasses or goggles, sun cream to protect him/her from the sun and the cold.

Equipment: helmets are strongly recommended. Skis and ski boots must be of the correct size and bindings must be professionally adapted..

They are well taken care of

We will do our utmost to place your child with an instructor who speaks his/her language

Your child is introduced to both the snow and the specific equipment through games.

Please do not interfere with the teaching method and simply trust your instructor.

For everything to go well

If your child cries during the first lesson, you can watch from a distance. If necessary, you can come and collect him/her before the end of the lesson.

Please be on time when bring or picking up your children.

Please make a note of the name of your child’s instructor. Every day, don’t forget to ask him/her where the lesson ends.

Recommendations to parents

Ski pass And money
The children must be in possession of their ski school and ski lift pass and, according to the local conditions, enough Pocket money for lunch or any other expenses.
It is your responsibility to insure your children adequately for accidents. The ski school declines any responsibility for any accidents and any consequences, which may follow.
Présence des parents
As soon as the little ones from 4 to about 6 years are well integrated to the ski school, the (close) presence of their parents is no longer necessary and can even lead to an unfavourable atmosphere . The ski school, therefore, thanks the parents for their understanding in this matter.

Practical Info

Meeting Points
Your Level
Tips for Parents
Useful Links
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Swiss Ski School Veysonnaz
Route de Magrappé 42
CH-1993 Veysonnaz

T. +41 27 207 21 41
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Website & pictures by WebEvolutions Sàrl - Pictures by La Fouinographe